Senate Seat Allocation

Senate Bill IV

 On February 10th, 2023 the Sixteenth Legislature of the Undergraduate Student Government  Downtown unanimously passed Senate Bill VI  to Enact “An act amending the USGD Bylaws to adjust the Senate Seat Allocation Model to be proportionately reflective of each college’s undergraduate student population.” The Sixteenth Legislature served for the AY 2022-2023. Senate Bill VI was placed into effect for the Spring 2023 Election Cycle. 

Enrollment Numbers Considered for Seat Allocation

Following Senate Bill VI, ASASU Spring election seat allocation is determined by the same academic year's fall enrollment numbers. For AY 2024-2025, ASASU will determine seat allocation from the 2023 Fall enrollment numbers. Both in-person and online enrollment numbers are considered for seat allocation*

Important to note: Online allocation is determined by the campus the college is Primarily housed at. If a college has students on all four campuses, but are Primarily housed at the Downtown campus, online students are included in the fall enrollment numbers of Downtown’s USG seat allocation.

Tier System

The tier system was developed to proportionately allocate Senate seats. 

Per fall 2022 enrollment numbers, the Downtown Phoenix Campus is placed in the 15001-20000 category on the Tier System. Given this fact, for every 1,000 students represented, a seat will be allocated to the College through the USGD Senate.

In Summary

A college has students on all four campuses but is Primarily housed on the Downtown campus. Given this fact, Downtown’s USG will also receive the college's online fall enrollment numbers to determine seat allocation.